Thursday, December 3, 2009

the new Melrose Place

So, I watched the latest episode last night. I think that, for the most part, it is an entertaining show. But there are certain elements that need to be fixed or eliminated.

I already got my way with Ashlee Simpson being fired from the show. The girl could not act her way out of a wet paper bag. Does she really have to do everything her sister does? Just because you are related girls, doesn't mean you can both do the same things and be good at it. She has the one face she always makes, whether she is happy, sad, angry, whatever. She tilts her chin and kind of squints her eyes and her voice changes. This does not acting make! She's gone.

Now, please do something with Jonah and Riley. Boring! They always argue and make up. If I wanted to see that, I would just film me and my fiance. It's a nighttime soap opera, give the people what they want, DRAMA!

Heather Locklear is on the last leg of her career. She probably just needs the job so she can get more plastic surgery. We get it, she's evil, she's conniving. She is going to get all of you one way or another. Kill her too, please.

I like the way that 90210 integrates the old cast with the new. Its not in your face. Melrose Place is forcing all the old characters on us and not allowing the new cast to grow on its own.

David and his father, also a lame plot. Dr.Mancini is an ass, he doesn't want anything to do with his son. Back and forth every episode. Why don't we just discover that David isn't his son and call it a day?

Auggie is a very attractive man. Keep him for eye candy.

I do like the Lauren being a prostitute story because I have personally never seen a show that has done that before. But since her and David are hooking up, maybe that has been put on hold indefinitely?

Ella is a great character. She can be a manipulative little bitch but she also has a heart. They should hook her up with something.

I think I may download the original now.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Oh my, this has been on my brain for a while. I really hate tipping. I especially hate tipping based on the cost of food. That makes no sense to me. Just because one meal cost a lot more than another doesn't mean that the service is less adequate at the less expensive one.

I was on a few weeks ago and I found this article

I am sure that the pub is regretting pulling that stunt. No doubt, people are not going to want to patronize their pub anytime soon. And really, who could blame them? Calling the cops was a weak pussy move. Obviously, the manager was a dumbass and couldn't handle the situation. I think the cops were stupid too. Arrest over $16? Why don't you go find the real criminals here. I don't know what happened, if they had the charges dropped or not, but I hope they did.

Seriously? They were arrested for not paying a tip. By the sounds of the article, the people did not get decent service, so why should they have to pay a "mandatory" gratuity? What is a mandatory gratuity anyway? That's an oxymoron. It should be everyone's choice whether or not to tip. But even so, why are we tipping at all? So you have a party of 8 or more, they reason that they may not get a great tip from all those people. But in a lot of cases, those people may pay more if they aren't forced to pay that 18%. Anytime I am forced to pay that mandatory gratuity I never give any extra. And I also have been to places where the service was sub par. Some people may argue that I should go speak to the manager if the service was so bad. But see, my problem with that is, that I want to go for a nice meal out. I figure if I don't leave a good tip, they will get the picture. If not, I just won't go back to that place.

This is more of a North American thing than anywhere else. Could it be, because we are greedier than other countries? Or perhaps we don't want to properly compensate our employees and thus expect the public to do so instead? Whatever the reason, it has me mad. I know that in the US they have server wages which are around $2.15 an hour, which I think is total crap on its own merit. What if you had a slow week? No one in Canada or the US could live on those wages, unless they worked 24/7 and never stopped.

But, I suppose I have to be realistic here. Tipping is obviously here to stay. But no one is getting 20% of the check from my money unless they go above an beyond. Floss my teeth, cut my food, maybe even chew it a little. You get the picture.

Lame gossip

Tiger Woods had an affair. Really? Is anyone surprised? I'm not. He has more money than he knows what to do with and is in the public eye. I am sure that he it overwhelmed by all of it. That being said, I don't think what he did was okay.

Being famous has it's perks, obviously, but does anyone really think about the downside? The only thing that people think about is the money. There is a lot more to it then that. When you become famous, everybody knows who you are, everyone knows about your life. I would hate to walk into Starbucks and have people asking me personal questions. Most people who talk to a famous person are usually just harmless fans. But then there are the crazy stalkers.

I don't know if I would want to trade my private life for money. It sounds good on paper but in end you may regret it.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Mondays...actually not raining.

Vancouver is know for its rainy weather, so really every year at the same time, its inevitable that it is going to rain non stop. Today, however, its actually sunny. It was raining it the morning and then cleared up. Which brings me to.. umbrellas.

Seriously, those damn things are more annoying than helpful. What about the rain that comes at you from an angle. Does the umbrella save you from the unavoidable puddles? The answer of course is no. So why, in 2009, is the umbrella, the only "savior" from the rain? Maybe we should create some hamster wheel that we could walk around in and never get wet.

There must be a better solution...
I have racked my brain for a while as to what we could do to improve it. And I come up umbrella drier. After you have used your umbrella and no longer need it and have to carry it around, like at the shopping mall, you don't want water to drip everywhere. So maybe, you could stick it in a cup like holder that dries your umbrella kind of like a hair dryer, BAM, instantly dry.

Or, the whole earth could just be covered in one giant umbrella. Case closed.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Family Guy

I love this show. Huge fan. I enjoy the type of shows that cause controversy. I think its because TV shows are all fake (even the reality ones ). I think that the TV networks spend so much time trying to not offend anyone, that the shows lose their potential audience.

My favorite episode is "He's too sexy for his fat". Peter Griffin has to be the most offensive character on TV.

On the other hand, I don't really like "The Cleveland Show". Its just a copycat and not as funny. I am sure it won't have the same following as Family Guy. I own almost all the seasons of Family Guy on DVD but I won't be buying the new show on DVD.

First post

I had been debating whether or not to do a blog for a while. And then I realized that I have a lot to say and I never write it down.
I am not one for journal or diary writing, so I really could get a lot out of this blog writing.

The title is weird, I know. Yes, I have cats. 3 in fact. But this isn't a blog about cats. This is just a random thoughts blog.
I will probably mention them from time to time though.