Monday, November 30, 2009

Mondays...actually not raining.

Vancouver is know for its rainy weather, so really every year at the same time, its inevitable that it is going to rain non stop. Today, however, its actually sunny. It was raining it the morning and then cleared up. Which brings me to.. umbrellas.

Seriously, those damn things are more annoying than helpful. What about the rain that comes at you from an angle. Does the umbrella save you from the unavoidable puddles? The answer of course is no. So why, in 2009, is the umbrella, the only "savior" from the rain? Maybe we should create some hamster wheel that we could walk around in and never get wet.

There must be a better solution...
I have racked my brain for a while as to what we could do to improve it. And I come up umbrella drier. After you have used your umbrella and no longer need it and have to carry it around, like at the shopping mall, you don't want water to drip everywhere. So maybe, you could stick it in a cup like holder that dries your umbrella kind of like a hair dryer, BAM, instantly dry.

Or, the whole earth could just be covered in one giant umbrella. Case closed.

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